姓名: 王歌
职称: 讲师
研究方向:Focus Area:
Ø 可再生能源经济与政策
Ø 电力系统规划
Ø 复杂网络博弈
王歌,男,1995年2月生。 2013年在南京大学获得天文学学士学位,2019年6月在中国石油大学(北京)获管理科学与工程博士学位。2019年7月至今为华北电力大学讲师。
主要从事可再生能源经济与政策、电力系统规划和复杂网络博弈等研究。在Energy Economics 和Energy Policy等国内外顶级期刊发表英文论文30多篇,国内外学术会议报告10余次,先后主持参与10余项科研项目。为Energy Policy,Applied Energy, Journal of Cleaner Production等多个国际期刊审稿人。
[1] 中央高校基本科研业务费,P2P光伏共享模拟模型激励政策研究2020-2021,主持
[2] 国家自科,基于消费者有限理性的中国电动汽车市场扩散模型与助推政策研究,2020-2023,主研。
[3] 国家自科,众筹模式下光伏扶贫绩效模型模拟与政策创新研究,2018-2021,主研。
[4] 北京社科,北京市新能源汽车动力电池回收模式优选与政策创新研究,2019-2020,主研。
[5] 国家能源局研究课题,2030 年能源生产和消费革命战略实施方案, 2016,主研。
[6] 中国石油大学(北京)博士研究生基础研究创新基金, 基于多市场均衡模型的初始可再生能源配额对中国电力市场影响的研究,2016-2017,主持。
[1] 中国石油和化学工业联合会科学技术奖科技进步三等奖,排名第2
1 Wang Ge, Zhang Qi*, Li Yan, Benjamin C. Mclellan, Pan Xunzhang. Corrective Regulations on Renewable Energy Certificates Trading: Pursuing an Equity-Efficiency Trade-off. Energy Economics, 2019, 80:970-982.
2 Wang Ge, Zhang Qi*, Li Yan, Benjamin C. Mclellan. Efficient and Equitable Allocation of Renewable Portfolio Standards Targets among China’s Provinces. Energy Policy. 2019, 125: 170-180.
3 Wang Ge, Zhang Qi*, Li Yan, Li Hailong. Policy simulation for promoting residential PV considering anecdotal information exchanges based on social network modelling. Applied Energy. 2018, 223: 1-10.
4 Wang Ge, Zhang Qi*, Li Hailong, Benjamin C. Mclellan, Chen Siyuan, Li Yan, Tian Yulu. Study on the promotion impact of demand response on distributed PV penetration by using non-cooperative game theoretical analysis. Applied Energy. 2017, 185: 1869-1878.
5 Wang Ge, Zhang Qi*, Li Hailong, Benjamin C. Mclellan. Multi-region optimal deployment of renewable energy considering different interregional transmission scenarios. Energy. 2016, 108: 108-118.
6 Zhang Qi*, Wang Ge, Li Yan, Li Hailong, Benjamin C. Mclellan, Chen Siyuan. Substitution effect of renewable portfolio standards and renewable energy certificate trading for feed-in tariff. Applied Energy. 2018, 227: 426–435.
7 LI Y, WANG G*, SHEN B, 等. Conception and policy implications of photovoltaic modules end‐of‐life management in China[J]. WIREs Energy and Environment, 2020.
8 Li Yan, Wang Ge*, Benjamin C. Mclellan, Chen Siyuan, Zhang Qi. Study of the impacts of upstream natural gas market reform in China on infrastructure deployment and social welfare using an SVM-based rolling horizon stochastic game analysis. Petroleum Science 2018; 15:898–911.
9 Li Yan, Zhang Qi*, Wang Ge, Liu Xuefei, Benjamin C. Mclellan. Modeling and Policy Study for Information Asymmetry Problem of Photovoltaic Module Quality in China. Emerging Markets Finance and Trade. 2019.
10 Li Yan, Zhang Qi*, Wang Ge, Benjamin C. Mclellan, Liu Xuefei, Wang Le. A review of photovoltaic poverty alleviation projects in China: Current status, challenge and policy recommendations. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews. 2018, 94: 214-223.
11 Li Yan, Zhang Qi*, Wang Ge, Liu Xuefei, Benjamin C. Mclellan. Promotion Policies for Third Party Financing in Photovoltaic Poverty Alleviation Project Considering Social Reputation. Journal of Cleaner Production. 2018, 223: 1-10.
12 Chen Siyuan, Zhang Qi*, Wang Ge, Zhu Lijing, Li Yan. Investment strategy for underground gas storage facilities based on real option model considering gas market reform in China. Energy Economics 2018; 70:132–42.
13 Tian Ruijie, Zhang Qi*, Wang Ge, Li Hailong, Chen Siyuan, Li Yan, Tian Yulu. Study on the promotion of natural gas-fired electricity with energy market reform in China using a dynamic game-theoretic model. Applied Energy 2017;185, Part 2:1832–9.
14 Zhang Qi*, Li Zhan, Wang Ge, Li Hailong. Study on the impacts of natural gas supply cost on gas flow and infrastructure deployment in China. Applied Energy 2016; 162:1385–98.
15 Tang Yanyan, Zhang Qi*, Li Yaoming, Wang Ge, Li Yan. Recycling mechanisms and policy suggestions for spent electric vehicles’ power battery -A case of Beijing. Journal of Cleaner Production 2018; 186:388–406.
16 Wang Ge, Zhang Qi*, Li Hailong, Li Yan, Chen Siyuan. The impact of social network on the adoption of real-time electricity pricing mechanism. Energy Procedia. 2017, 142: 3154–3159.
17 Wang Ge, Zhang Qi*, Tian Ruijie, Li Hailong. Combined Impacts of RTP and FIT on Optimal Management for a Residential Micro-Grid. Energy Procedia. 2015, 75: 1666–1672.
18 张奇, 李彦, 王歌, 朱丽晶,胡滢,王乐. 基于复杂网络的电动汽车充电桩众筹市场信用风险建模与分析[J]. 中国管理科学, 2019, 27(08): 66–74.
19 Wang Ge, Zhang Qi*等. Coordination of Tradable Carbon Emission Permits Market and Renewable Electricity Certificates Market in China. Energy Economics. (已录用)