【讲座题目】How Big Social Security Data help us solving Economic Problems: Examples from Multivariate Duration Analysis
【主 讲 人】Ralf Andreas Wilke
【主讲人简介】拉尔夫 安德烈亚斯 威尔克(Ralf Andreas Wilke),1973年出生,德国人,德国多特蒙德大学毕业,获经济学博士学位。现任丹麦哥本哈根商学院经济系应用计量经济学教授,德国德国联邦就业研究所(IAB)研究教授,慕尼黑ZEW研究所研究员。Ralf教授是经济理论与计量经济方面的专家,长期从事计量经济学与数量经济学方面的研究,特别是在横断面和面板数据的计量分析方面,更有其独到见解和观点。曾在国际著名的计量经济学相关期刊发表论文30余篇,出版多本计量方面的学术专著。其研究曾多次受到德国、法国等欧洲各国著名大学和科学院的基金资助,并从2013年起至今一直担任国际计量经济学SSCI检索期刊《Empirical Economics》副主编。
(1) Forecasting macroeconomic labour market flows: What can we learn from micro level analysis? Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics, 2018, 80, 822-842.
(2) Identifiability of the sign of covariate effects in the competing risks model (with Simon Lo), 2017, Econometric Theory, 33, 1186-1217.
(3) Generalised partially linear regression with misclassified data and an application to labour market transitions (with Stephan Dlugosz and Enno Mammen), Computational Statistics and Data Analysis, 2017, 110, 145-159.
(4) Competing risks copula models for unemployment duration: An application to a German Hartz reform (with Simon Lo and Gesine Stephan), Journal of Econometric Methods, 2017, 6(1).
(5) Competing risks quantile regression at work: In-depth exploration of the role of public child support for the duration of maternity leave (with Stephan Dlugosz and Simon Lo), Journal of Applied Statistics, 2017, 44(1), 109-122.