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姓名: 王建军


Ø 电力能源系统建模仿真优化(Electricity energy system modeling, simulation and optimization)

Ø 电力负荷预测(Load forecasting)

Ø 信息管理及决策支持(Information management and decision support)


Ø 电子邮箱:wangjianjun@ncepu.edu.cn

Ø 办公电话:010-61773123




[1] 国家自然科学基金面上项目,72071077,居民智慧用电行为影响机理及有序引导管理机制仿真研究

[2] 国家自然科学基金青年项目,71401054,节能减排下考虑大规模清洁能源发电的电源结构拟境演化机理研究

[3] 北京市社会科学基金项目,19GLB024,基于能源生态足迹的北京市能源供给结构系统仿真优化研究。

[4] 北京市社会科学基金项目,促进京津冀地区能源密集型产业清洁化转型的差别电价机制研究



[1] Jianjun Wang, Ran Wang, Li Li, Jia Dong. The market for electric vehicles in China: modelling the abolition of policy incentives, Climate Policy, 2022, 22(7): 865-881

[2] J Wang, F Liu, L Li, J Zhang, More than innovativeness: Comparing residents’ motivations for participating renewable energy communities in different innovation segments, Renewable Energy, 2022, 197, 552-563

[3] J Wang, S Zhang, J Huo, Y Zhou, L Li, T Han. Dispatch optimization of thermal power unit flexibility transformation under the deep peak shaving demand based on invasive weed optimization, Journal of Cleaner Production, 2021, 315, 128047

[4] Wang Jianjun, Li Li. Sustainable energy development scenario forecasting and energy saving policy analysis of China, Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews, 2016, 58:718-724.

[5] Wang, Jianjun*; Li Li,Niu Dongxiao,Tan Zhongfu, An annual load forecasting model based on support vector regression with differential evolution algorithm, Applied Energy, 2012,94:65-70

[6] 王建军*; 牛东晓; 李莉; 谭忠富,电力需求侧响应利益联动机制的系统动力学模拟分析, 系统工程理论与实践, 2011, 31(12): 2287~2295 (CSSCI期刊)
